Saturday, February 2, 2008

What better way to break one's blog silence than by participating in this year's Bloggers (Silent) Poetry Reading?


Why do we bother with the rest of the day,
the swale of the afternoon,
the sudden dip into evening,

then night with his notorious perfumes,
his many-pointed stars?

This is the best--
throwing off the light covers,
feet on the cold floor,
and buzzing around the house on espresso--

maybe a splash of water on the face,
a palmful of vitamins--
but mostly buzzing around the house on espresso,

dictionary and atlas open on the rug,
the typewriter waiting for the key of the head,
a cello on the radio,

and, if necessary, the windows--
trees fifty, a hundred years old
out there,
heavy clouds on the way
and the lawn steaming like a horse
in the early morning

Billy Collins
from Sailing Alone Around the Room

Mind you at the moment, the idea of throwing off light covers and touching my feet to the floor isn't all that appealing since it's 14 degrees out and my furnace is struggling to keep the house at 62. But besides appreciating the notion of a fresh new day and of a typewriter and atlas awaiting their adventure, the poem reminds me of summer mornings at my grandparents' house. I'd come downstairs to the smell of toasted English muffins and familiar NPR voices coming from the small radio on the breakfast table. Even within the framework of my teenage angst, I loved the momentary feeling of safety and comfort and continuity that those mornings gave me.

Happy Groundhog Day.


Bess said...

Yes - miss morning here who says she loves the throwing off of the covers and putting feet on the floor - just not a cold one.

My own grandmother's kitchen had that scent of mixed natural gas stove and coffee and 1920's wooden kitchens. when her children helped her remodel the kitchen in the 60's it lost some if it's magical scent, but I still can't smell coffee brewing and not think of her.

Glad to read you again.
much love

Unknown said...

Billy Collins must be thinking about Spring!

Good Sunday to you, Ms. Clara, and a belated Happy Groundhog Day too.

Marfa's Mewsings said...

Miz C,
Billy Collins is such a fine poet. Thanks for sharing one of his lovely ones.
Sending you tho'ts of more sweet memories & warm toes.

Anonymous said...

I think you need one of those nice sheep skin rugs on your side of the bed!

Hugs, and so looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!
